Heyy bloggers :)
Nothing much to say but well just readdd laaaah :P


I know it's lovely because it's pink in colour
Thanks Mieza I really miss you
:'( :( :'( :( :'(

Last pictures with her sedih gilaaa
Okay yeah I know you guys must be wondering why she gave me that pressies
She's leaving she's already switched campus to UiTM Lendu
I'm totally shattered and I can't even stop missing her every single hour
I really miss her and I really gilababi love her
We have been friends since we were Part1 and basically she's my toilet partner
Every single night she will wait for me or we will go to the toilet together
I miss those time A LOTTT :(
When I was opening the pressies she gave me I was crying
I can't even stop crying because it's sad bloody sad
We are like veryyy close to each other
She's my other half and yeah she knows EVERY SINGLE thing about me
She understands me well veryveryvery well
I mean like she is my place for me to spill everything that crossed my mind
She also will laugh with me and we will gossipping about other things and yeap if I'm having a problem I told her
Well we were very close with each other I feel that I just lost my friends
She is a REAL friends for me indeed she was yeahh :(
Today we've been texting with each other and yeap
She asked me about something and I asked her something about my presentation this Thursday and she replied that she's not here anymore to see me present
Argh that time my eyes was like watery and I feel absolutely sad very sad
I wish she's there when I present that presentation howww I wish she's there
And yeap last sem she always came to my room and we will well laugh with each other
I miss her I feel very grateful to have such a lovely and wonderful friends like her
I wish I can go to Malacca to see her :'(
Okay sedih seriously sedih she was my bestfriends here in Segamat and I think no one can replace her
She's totally irreplaceable and after this uhm I don't know to whom I gonna talk to if I have problems
Sedihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :'(
I feel like cryinggg now
Em I guess that's all for now I wanna see her ceh macam boleh
But well I have to do assignments sorry I got to go
Later bloggers oh I wanna say that Mieza I Love You till ever please do take care of yourself okay?