Conversation between me and W
Me : You I sedih :'(
W : Good morning..U sedih kenapa hmm2?
Me : I sedih sebab yesterday I tak dapat jawab soalan senang. Time i nak jawab i blank jap. Padahal soalan tu senang. Then I tak sempat jawab saolan last. I hilang 8 marks i rasa. I risau sangat :-(
W : Takpe takpe, you did your best kan..Semua kuasa Allah..Just redha k? InsyaAllah okay punya..
Me : Hopefully okay. I hope sangat okay. Takpela, tawakal jela kan. I risau tapi tak tau nak buat macam mana sebab dah lepas.
W : Ada lagi..You berdoa je k?? Itu the best you can do..Takde pape lah k?
Me : Yupyup doa je kan. Btw I dah kat rumah hehe.
W : Alhamdulillah..You just take care k??..I sini makin tension..Huu..
Wallaaah I just realized that how I miss you so badly that it uhm hurts:-(
You make me feels like very comfortable when you said like that,
Well it's been hmph whatever it is thanks for making me feel comfortable and yeah take it easy aite I know it's hard I mean not hard but well study is equal to stress or tension or pressure and etc,
Study without pressure and stuff's that is not what we called study HEHE I've been through that too so take it easy okay?
Till then ;-)