Friday, February 5, 2010


Internet internet,
Kenapa lah mesti kau buat hal time saat macam ini
ByTheWay yeah next week I'm going home
Oh yeapp today is not that hectic
But yesterday YEAH it was hectic
VERY HECTIC like argh I can't even describe it
You know what, yesterday I've promised S to meet at this one cafe
And on my way to that particular place,
My sandals worn out I mean putus lah to be exact
Aiyah tak kan tu pun kena explained aceyceyyy chill people
I know I'm crapping now

Oh yeap after that I have to go back to my hostel's just to wear another shoes,
And after that I went to Blok U (consider as classes)
Then I meet one of my lecturer's from previous sem
And we were chit chatting with each other till I forgot to reply my friend's messages
I thought we're going to meet at that cafe but because of this one way to that cafe closed,
I have to go the long way and he was like worried about me aww *I'm touched :')
And yeah we meet at that Blok U and oh oh that friend of mine wears selipars (because he thought we're gonna meet at one of the nearest cafe's around his hostel)
And he had been scolded by one of the lecturer's :B
Because yeah obviously because of he didn't wear proper shoes
And I was like damnnn pity him I feel like very guilty because
Because of me he had been scolded by lecturer's
Don't you feel guilty if someone's got scolded because of you and that person actually is not guilty at all or should I say he's innocent?

And after that I just gave him souvenirs and he was like
"Eh tak payah lah bagi nanti kena bayar balik sebab hutang budi"
And I was like eh I memang nak bagi you it's sincerely from me
From bottom of my heart *ACEYCEYYYYY POYOOOOO -.-
Then I just gave him after that we went to our class that's all
Do you understand what am I talking about?
If don't urgh I feel stupid because I've been typing like @#$%^&
So to conclude is yeap basically yesterday is my worst day ever
Or bad day perhaps? :(
HAHA okay readers till then aite ;)
Love you lotsss