1st sem VS 2nd sem?
HAHAHA I prefer 1st sem because I don't know 1st sem is the best
2nd sem sucks yeahh I repeat SUCKS!
Problem's here and there and I mean yeah everytime pun problem
Problem's here and there and I mean yeah everytime pun problem
All the time like seriously people ALL THE FRIGGIN TIME!
Fyi there's one time when I was so stressed up and I went to HEA (Hal Ehwal Pelajar) to take this 1 form to change campus
But well I just took it to released my tensed HAHA :')
But well I just took it to released my tensed HAHA :')
Many people said when you're in a campus most of them will depends on your friends
But to me my is NO yeap NO big NOOOO
I don't know why maybe it's simply because they're just right there for you when you were in a good situation
And yeah when you have problems they will not help you as a real friend
So yeap when I have problems I just keep it to myself
Or I just spilled it to my family members
It's better to spilled it to my sister rather than to my friends there
It's not worth it I tell you seriously so I don't wanna waste my time
It's not that I hate everyone's there but I don't know it's hard to explained
It's not worth it I tell you seriously so I don't wanna waste my time
It's not that I hate everyone's there but I don't know it's hard to explained
Well well it's really sad kan kan
But bukan lah semua orang pun I tak baik -.-'
Mestilah ada yang baik kann macam Mieza( I LOVE HER WEH), Aisyah, Jiji, Wan, Shah
And and few others yang memang I sayang HEHE ;)
And and few others yang memang I sayang HEHE ;)
Those people yang memang I really appreciate
And yeah to make it short, 2nd sem best pun time Sukan Extreme tu je
So so I think that's all kot
So so I think that's all kot
Yeah not to forget here's some pictures for you to see
*Enjoy :)
*Enjoy :)

Ini time MMS yea :D

Trip pegi Ledang, 3 cars and all of them is my classmates :)
Lovely classmates time 1st sem :)
SECOND SEM ;D Those yang pegi Sukan Extreme Sukan Extreme BESTTT :D!
Jiji here I love her a lot! <33
Ini Mieza I love her to death <33
Okay okay that's all kot HAHA dah brape jam buat blog ni atlast siap jugak
Khushairi ah kacau lebih HAHA :P
Okay till then bloggers