Today is such a wonderful day
Had fun with them at Pyramid and Parade
Yeah 2 places at the same day ;)
First thing that we did today was watched a movie
HAHA tak tahan nak gelak that movie is like soo funnyyy
Lawak gila okay
And after tengok movie jalan jalan around that mall
Ingat today nak main ice-skating tapi tak jadi nvm i really don't mind
Dapat jumpa diorang pun dah cukup best
Seriously I really mean it :)
They were the best friends of mine since we were Form 4
So yeah it's fun people
And oh after that jalan jalan suddenly semua pun dah tak tau nak pegi mana
So Diana decided to go to Parade
Then kitorang pun alright pegi je and after sampai sana
Pegi Uncle Lim's for lunch
And tiga tiga pun order porridge since I promote that porridge hehe :D
The bowl is like so huge and Diana tak habis only me and Ein yang habis
Then then, that's all I guess
Nak jumpa korang lagi later okay dengan t-Rah :D
Alrightt till then bloggers
I'll update later aite ;)