Today me, my sis and my mum went to Putrajaya International Convention Centre [PICC]
At first, I hesitated to go there because I know it would be boring
So with my super arrogance faced I said that to mum "tanaaaak sure bosan punya laaah tanak tanak"
Then that night while I was chatting with A.Wan suddenly I changed my mind
I just don't know why people *padahal sebab A.Wan cakap pegi la kan dapat ilmu tu pfft*
And so the next morning i woke up on 6.40am
By 7.30 we went there by using Puchong highway it's nearer kaan so yeappo
And HAHA when we reached Putrajaya we had lost!
At first, I hesitated to go there because I know it would be boring
So with my super arrogance faced I said that to mum "tanaaaak sure bosan punya laaah tanak tanak"
Then that night while I was chatting with A.Wan suddenly I changed my mind
I just don't know why people *padahal sebab A.Wan cakap pegi la kan dapat ilmu tu pfft*
And so the next morning i woke up on 6.40am
By 7.30 we went there by using Puchong highway it's nearer kaan so yeappo
And HAHA when we reached Putrajaya we had lost!
Mum didn't even know where the heck is PICC but but don't worry around 8.30 we reached there*atlast :')
And yeap when we arrived at the main entrance, there was a lot of people outside the hall*most of the guys there is freaking cute HAHAHA ;P
And there's breakfast for us to eat so yeah sape tanak makan for free kan?
And then around 9am I guess I went into the hall and we as the alumni of that course have to sit on the floor pfft nevermind i don't care pun :)
But after I had my lunch I decided that I don't wanna joined them anymore because inside the hall the atmosphere there is very very dramatic
I don't know lah babe but actually I'm not into that ESQ thingy pun
First time pegi pun sebab terpaksa so I hope you can imagine that
I went there just to have some fun actually(bukan fun=FUN tapi nak isi masa lapang because duduk rumah bosan lah faham tak bosan :(
And I thought nak pegi my cousin's home kat Precint 10 but takpelah
My mum last last pegi Alamanda because dah lalu tepi Alamanda pegi jela kan :D
Plus my mum pun need to buy something there so we just went to Alamanda just for 1 and a half hour
After that around 3.00pm we already arrived at PICC
So my mum straight away went to the hall and me HAHAA
Apa lagi jalan jalan lahh kann :DD
At first macam fikir nak pergi mana ni dahlah PICC is like SO HUGE
then I decided to go to the toilet so pegi lah kejap toilet sebab nak lari dari Abang La *faham faham sendiri yea HAHA ;D
Then lepas pegi toilet tangkap gambar kat PICC tu
PICC is very nice place tau for those yang nak buat big event
Seriously because the place is very comfortable to do such a big event
And after took some pictures I went upstairs
Dah tak tau nak pegi mana sorang sorang so I just sit down kat one sofa
Dah bosan sangat tangkap gambar pfft -.-'
Takpe orang tak nampak pun jangan risau kat sana semua pun foreign workers so what I care kan HAHA
Then lepas tangkap gambar sendiri dah penat -.- rasa mengantuk
HAHA guess what I didn't realized that I slept on the sofa for around 5 minutes
I think lama kot 5 minutes teehee tula mengada sangat nak ikut
But takpe atleast dapat jalan around Putrajaya kaaan :D
Then around 5.15 my mum dah habis my mum call then I go downstairs then we went to our car then yeapp balik rumah
That's all for today HEHE okay babe here's some pic for you to see *ENJOYYY! :D

Baca sendiri :P
PICC macam UFO kan people?

ESQ's advertisement everywhere :)

I'm super bored!

Last pictures of the day ;D
Okay that's all for today till then bloggerss
Oh yeap sorry I forgot tu mentioned about my sis friend's in the last pictures SORRYY! :B