1) Two packs of creamcheese
2) Biscuits [any type of biscuits]
3) Two lemon
4) A little bit of sweet milk
5) Butter
6) Gelatine
First you kena break the biscuits to pieces
Then stir the creamcheese so that dia cair
Then add one and a half cup of sweet milk
And keep on stirring
After that letak lemon
Keep on stirring
And last but not least letak gelatine
Gelatine tu you kena letak two teaspoon
And you must add those gelatine with hot water
So that dia cair and oh you must wait till the gelatine cold
Takut the cheese spoiled because of those hot gelatine
[My mum cakap takut cheese tu terkejut] :')
And then dah sejuk just add those gelatine
And then keep on stirring
Dah habis tu biarkan and heat a little bit of butter
And after butter dah cair add it into the biscuits
After that press the biscuits yang telah dicampur dengan butter tu so that dia tak berderai
Faham kan? *penat explained okay kalau tak faham :'D
And dah press sampai dia macam mampat
Pour the cheese on top of the biscuits
*Tak faham datang rumah LOL :Pp
Oh I have a suggestion you boleh add nestum or anything kat biscuits tu so that biscuits tu akan lagi sedap
It depends on your creativity k babe?
So till then aite bloggers
GdNightt ♥