Aww sorry for not update anything I've been busy lately
And at the same time I'm not in the mood
Recently my mood swings like aih macam orang mengandung je
One minute I'm okay and the next few minutes I'll be grumpy like macam orang nak bunuh orang
You can imagine that pfft
I don't know why maybe because of my results and yeah new sem will be starting SOON!
Another two bloody weeks to go
And SHIT I'm so not ready to go to that bloody Segamat FUCK!
Ahh see see dah start dah calm down calm down
Oh yesterday I had a dinner with my ex-tuition mates
We had fun oh I already miss them gahh
We ate at the new restaurant called Lorong 100 Tahun
The food there is not that bad
They serve Penang cuisine and i just love their own Char Kuey Teow
Sebijik macam Penang punya style seriously it's yummy :9
So so that's all I guess for now
I will update later and oh one picture for you to see
Ambik satu je yesterday I was not in the mood to take pictures well sorry!

From left ; Fizuan, Aisyah, Sare, Siti && ME!!! :P
Thankss for reading people